Prohibitory Order on 45 more districts

KATHMANDU: TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2021 – The government has given the authority to issue prohibition orders to various districts in view of the contagious state of COVID-19. According to the Home Ministry, restraining orders have been issued in 45 districts so far.
A prohibitory order has been issued in seven more districts from today. The ban has been imposed in Nuwakot, Kapilvastu, Dhanusha, Dailekh, Dolpa, Doti and Nawalparasi East. In these districts, non-essential services and transportation have been ban.
Pursuant to Sub-section 2 of the Infectious Diseases Control Act, 2020, the government had given the right to issue injunction or other necessary order to 200 active people in hilly and mountainous districts and 500 active infected people in Kathmandu Valley and Terai.