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A five-bed isolation center for journalists in Kapilvastu
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May 3, 2021

KATHMANDU: MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 – The Kapilvastu branch of the Federation of Nepali Journalists has set up a five-bed isolation center in its own building.
Kiran Man Bajracharya, president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists, Kapil Bastu, informed that an isolation center with oxygen, health workers and medicine has been set up at the initiative of the Lumbini Provincial Committee as per the central directive.
He informed that Taulihawa Hospital has provided necessary health supplies and Kapilvastu Municipality has provided financial assistance for this.
In isolation, priority will be given to journalists with covid infection but in case of vacancies, beds will be provided to other citizens if necessary, said Chairman Bajracharya.

May 3, 2021
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