HRPS draws attention to Covid-19 appeal by Health Ministry

KATHMANDU: SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2021 – The Human Rights and Peace Society (HRPS) has drawn its attention to an appeal to the public relating to Covid-19 issued by the Ministry of Health and Population. “The Society has drawn its serious attention to the appeal released on Friday mentioning the government’s inability to provide care to Covid-19 infected people and hospital beds following the infection that ‘has shot up at a rate the country’s health system could not withstand’,” read a statement issued on Saturday by the Society’s president Gobinda Khanal.
In times of a crisis, any agency including the government should not lose its restraint and work together to deal with such crisis, said the Society.
It also found it necessary to exchange national and international assistances and cooperation to fight the infection. It urged all concerned authority including the government to show their strengths and mobilise all resources and workforce to fight the virus. – RSS