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Corona Virus Pandemic In Nepal

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– Aswin Khatri

KATHMANDU: FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2021 – Since the outbreak of Corona Virus from Wuhan City of Hubei province China. Now the Corona virus had became strain to all over the world. USA, India, Brasil, France and Russia are the countries most affected all over the world. The total cases all over the world is 151,165,770. The deaths from Corona virus all over the world is 3,180,150 and 128,580,501 are the total number of infected people who have been recovered.

Top 10 list of the country all over the world affected by COVID-19

According to Worldometer, Nepal is in 53 position among the infected countries. The current population of Nepal is 29,563,546 people based on Worldometer elaboration of the lastest United Nations data where the total cases of COVID-19 in Nepal is 317.530. The total deaths is 3,246 so far. Whereas people recovered from COVID-19 is 280,167. According to Worldometer total active cases in Nepal is 34,117 respectively.

After the second wave in India and rapid growth of Corona virus the Nepal Government has imposed ban, tighten the checkpoints, border. Government has imposed a ban in the Kathmandu valley as the infection rate of COVID-19 is increasing. Markets have been closed since the ban was imposed. The main roads in the Kathmandu valley have become deserted due to the ban on movement of non-essential vehicles.

What is the punishment for Violation in Nepal?
Violation of the ban will result in legal action. Failure to comply with the order is punishable by up to one month in prison or a fine of up to Rs 100 or both.

The Infectious Diseases Act provides for imprisonment for up to six months or a fine of Rs 600 or both for obstructing work. Similarly, according to the Local Administration Act, 2028 BS, a person violating the order of the administration can be fined up to Rs 500 for imprisoned for up to one month or both.

The government has imposed a ban on Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur in the Kathmandu valley from Thursday, but many have been seen violating it on the first day.