179 schools rebuild in Baglung

BAGLUNG: TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2021 – A total 179 schools have so far been rebuild in Baglung district under the post-earthquake reconstruction campaign. According to the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), District Project Office Baglung, the reconstruction works are nearing final phase in the district.
Baglung is of the districts hit by the 2015 April earthquake that struck the country to its core. According to NRNA, almost all quake-damaged schools have been restored in the district. The promptness on the part of District project Implementation Unit Education has been credited for the remarkable progress in the school reconstruction efforts. Unit chief Matilal Chapai said the school reconstruction drive was launched in a phase-wise approach. However, some schools in geographically remote areas could not be rebuild on time.
As Chapai said, the schools reconstruction project has been almost complete. The work progress was satisfactory even during the last year’s nationwide lockdown against the virus. -RSS