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Earthquake shakes Mars

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KATHMANDU: MONDAY, APRIL 5, 2021 – The US space agency’s Insight Lander recorded two major earthquakes on the surface of Mars last month. According to Mission Control, the quake measured 3.3 on the Richter scale and 3.1 on the Richter scale.

The quake affected Cerberus Fossae on Mars. This is where two major earthquakes were felt at the beginning of the mission.

The quake measured 3.6 Richter scale and 3.5 Richter scale. Since the lander landed on the surface of Mars in November 2018, it has recorded more than 500 earthquakes so far. After landing on the surface, it has collected information about the earthquake on Mars and sent it to NASA.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab has reported that the Cerberus Fossae region of Mars is seismically active with this new seismic information. Although the lab has so far recorded more than 500 aftershocks, these four earthquakes are also suitable for testing because of the clear signals. The Insight team is studying these earthquakes for more information related to Mars.

According to NASA, Mars does not have a tectonic plate like Earth, but this part of Mars is a volcanic active area that causes the surface to vibrate. According to Taichi Kawamura, who works for Insight’s seismometer at the French organization de Physique du Globe de Paris, the mission has collected information on two different types of earthquakes on Mars.

According to Taichi, one earthquake was like coming to the moon and the other to Earth. NASA’s JPL Lab quoted Taichi as saying, “All four earthquakes in the Cerberus Fossae area were like the Earth.