Rhinoceros counting started in Shuklaphanta

KANCHANPUR: FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 2021 – Counting of one horned rhinoceros, which is on the list of rare wildlife, has started in Shuklaphanta National Park on Thursday. Eight technicians and 10 managers including 12 elephants have been mobilized for the rhino census.
Chief Conservation Officer of the park Dil Bahadur Purja Magar said that the rhino census will be carried out in three blocks including Malumela and Beldandi. “We have started counting the rhinos within a week,” he said.
Rhinos are being counted in the park every four years. There are 17 rhinos protected in the park. Of them, 10 males, five females and two children are protected.
The number of rhinos in the park has been increasing as the habitat and security of rhinos have been strengthened. Four rhinos were first brought from Chitwan National Park to Shuklaphanta in 2000. Then in 2017, five rhinos were brought to the park. Two decades after the migration, the number of rhinos has been increasing satisfactorily.