The Rs 800 million ‘Kumari Equity Fund’ is being liquidated from Falgun 14

Kathmandu. The management of Kumari Capital Limited and the promotion of Kumari Bank have a 10-year bandhmukhi plan of Rs.10. The issuance of 80 million units of ‘Kumari Equity Fund’. Of this, 15 percent or 12 million units will be reserved for the fund promotion Kumari Bank Limited and the remaining 68 million units will be issued and sold to the public from Friday, 14 Falgun, according to Kumari Capital.
Kumari Capital, which manages the scheme, has received AMC 3 rating from ICRA Nepal. According to Kumari Capital, the scheme will be operated under the supervision of five experienced fund supervisors including Surya Prasad Koirala, Bharat Rajpokharel, Krishna Prasad Gyawali, Nawaraj Burlakoti and Prajit Kumar Timalsina.
The plan manager has stated that the money collected from unit sales will be efficiently invested in the areas specified by the plan based on extensive study and analysis to properly manage the risk and ensure high return to the investors. Net asset value is Rs.10 and it is projected to reach Rs. 22.49.
The fund’s average return is projected at 22 percent, including dividends and capital increases. The plan managers are of the view that it would be appropriate to invest in a collective investment fund scheme to minimize the risk created by fluctuations in the stock market.
After distributing the units of the fund, the company has stated that it will trade in the secondary market by listing and registering with Nepal Stock Exchange Limited and CDS and Clearing Limited.
A minimum of 100 units and a maximum of 8 million units can be applied for the purchase of units of this fund, said Kumari Capital Limited, the disposal and sales manager.
It has been stated that one can apply for the purchase of the unit of the fund which will be opened from Falgun 14 to till 28th of same month.