Telecom launches NT chatboat service

Kathmandu. Nepal Telecom has launched NT chatbot service to automatically inform customers about the service. The NT chatbot service has been launched so that customers can automatically get information about the company’s services and methods of getting services from the company’s website through chat.
As soon as you open the company’s website, a small screen of NT Chatbot automatically appears on the start page. Need help? It is written as Welcome to NT Chatbot. In order to get information about the various services of the company, one can choose the available options and choose Nepali / English language and write a question.
Information about various services of the company like 4G, FTTH, GSM prepaid, GSM postpaid, landline, NT app, online recharge, offer, package etc. can be obtained. Similarly, feedback and complaints can be made about various services. If the complaint or grievance cannot be addressed automatically through chatbot, the concerned department / official of the company will study and manage the grievance.
NT ChatBot service automatically provides information based on the details placed on the website. Customers of the company can use the company’s social networks other than NT chatbot to get more information about any service. Customers can also get information about services and facilities from the company’s ‘Nepal Telecom App’.
On the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the company, Minister for Communications and Information Technology Parbat Gurung formally inaugurated the NT chatbot service.