Vaccination campaign against Covid started from Bharatpur Hospital

Chitwan. Vaccination against corona virus (Covid-19) has been started in Chitwan from Wednesday. In the program organized at Bharatpur Federal Hospital of the district, the Acting Chief Medical Superintendent of the hospital, and the program was started by vaccinating Dr.Jagannath Tiwari.
Vaccination has been started in the district from Bharatpur Federal Hospital, Bakulahar Ratnanagar Hospital and Bagauda Hospital in Madi. In the first phase, health workers, sanitation workers, waste management workers, security personnel managing corpses and ambulance drivers will be vaccinated in the district, said Deepak Babu Tiwari, head of the health office in Chitwan.
Tiwari said that three teams, including an ambulance, were on standby to manage the incident. Only 4,500 doses of vaccine have been received in Chitwan. Tiwari said that about 4,200 doses of vaccine would be given after deducting five percent of the vaccine received.
In the first phase of the vaccination campaign, health workers of government hospitals, sanitation workers, waste management workers, ambulance drivers and security personnel assigned to manage the bodies are being deployed to other medical colleges and health workers of private hospitals. The first phase of vaccination is being carried out for the health workers of Bharatpur and Ichchakamana villages.
Acting Chief Medical Superintendent of Bharatpur Hospital Dr. Jagannath Tiwari said that even the general public can be confident about the vaccine after the health workers get vaccinated.
Health workers of Bharatpur Metropolitan City and Ichchakamana Village Municipality from Bharatpur Hospital, four municipalities of East Chitwan from Ratnanagar and Madi Municipality in Madi will be vaccinated, ‘Dr.Yuvaniti Basaula said.’ After vaccinating the front line health workers, the second phase will vaccinate the priority people, he said.
The district had demanded 6,200 doses of vaccine for the first phase. In the first phase, 4,000 doses of vaccine were required in Bharatpur alone, about 2,050 doses in Ratnanagar and 150 doses in Madi.