Biden sworn in as US President

Kathmandu. Both President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are entering the White House only after being sworn in at a political parade.
In the United States, the process of formally appointing a new president is called inauguration. The event is being held in the capital, Washington DC. In it, the President-elect administers the oath of office.
Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States after taking an oath of allegiance to the Constitution. Although the inauguration ceremony will end at the same time, there will be other events in the near future. Kamala Harris will also become the Vice President soon after taking oath. Generally, the Vice President is sworn in before the President.
By law, the new president takes office on January 20. Preliminary remarks begin at 11:30 a.m. EST. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in at midday. Biden will enter the White House later that day and will be his residence for the next four years.
A detailed security plan is drawn up for the inauguration ceremony. But additional security measures have been put in place after a crowd of President Trump supporters stormed the US Congress on January 6. Most areas of Washington DC are closed today.
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has led the security plan and about 15,000 National Guard personnel have been deployed to assist thousands of police. –BBC