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Weather Update

Monsoon Impact: Eastern Nepal faces heavy rain & thunderstorms

The rest of the country is under the partial influence of local winds and a low-pressure area around Bihar, India.

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KATHMANDU: The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has reported that the eastern region of Nepal is currently experiencing the effects of the monsoon system.

The rest of the country is under the partial influence of local winds and a low-pressure area around Bihar, India.

Current Weather Conditions:

  • Koshi and Madhesh States: Fully cloudy skies.
  • Bagmati and Gandaki States: Partly to fully cloudy.
  • Other Regions: Partly cloudy to mostly clear.

Rainfall Activity:

  • Koshi, Bagmati, and Karnali States: Light to moderate rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning in some areas.
  • Gandaki and Lumbini States: Light to moderate rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning in one or two locations.

Afternoon Forecast:

  • Koshi, Madhesh, Bagmati, and Gandaki States: Partly to mostly cloudy.
  • Other Regions: Partly cloudy to mainly clear.
  • Rainfall Possibility: Thunderstorms and light to moderate rain expected in some areas of Koshi, Bagmati, and Gandaki States. One or two locations in Madhesh and other regions may also experience similar conditions. Additionally, heavy rain is possible in one or two places in Koshi State.

Nighttime Forecast:

  • Koshi, Madhesh, Bagmati, and Gandaki States: Mostly cloudy.
  • Other Regions: Partly cloudy to mainly clear.
  • Rainfall Possibility: Thunderstorms and light to moderate rain expected in some areas of Koshi, Madhesh, Bagmati, and Gandaki States. One or two locations in other regions may also experience similar conditions. Heavy rain is also possible in one or two places in Koshi State.

The department advises residents in affected areas to stay alert and take necessary precautions due to the possibility of thunderstorms, lightning, and heavy rainfall.