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Giribandhu Tea Estate is not state property: Operator Giri

Speaking at a press conference in Birtamode on Wednesday, Giri stated that the tea estate belongs to him and his family and has been passed down from his ancestors, dispelling rumors that it is state-owned.

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KATHMANDU: Chhatra Giri, the operator of Giribandhu Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. in Birtamode, Jhapa, has clarified that Ghiribandhu Tea Estate is not state property but is owned by his family.

Speaking at a press conference in Birtamode on Wednesday, Giri stated that the tea estate belongs to him and his family and has been passed down from his ancestors, dispelling rumors that it is state-owned.

He emphasized to the journalists that Giribandhu Tea Estate is a family asset acquired by his forefathers and not state property.

Giri further claimed that various rumors had been spread about his private property. He mentioned that Giribandhu Tea Estate had expanded its tea cultivation before the implementation of the Land Reform Act in 1964 (2021 BS).

Giri explained that although they had received permission to retain 500 bighas of land under the land ceiling exemption, Giribandhu Tea Estate currently holds 390 bighas of land.

Following a recent Supreme Court decision, Giri stated that they are working towards finding a resolution in compliance with the court’s ruling.

Acknowledging the difficulty of acquiring a large amount of land at once, Giri admitted to engaging in land transactions in collaboration with various individuals.

He mentioned that transactions concerning the land had been conducted with individuals such as Deepak Malhotra and Bishnu Bahadur Rai, among others.