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Sandeep’s secret trip: Flown to Canada a week ago, such is the reason

The secret of Sandeep's departure to Canada a week ago has only been disclosed today by the Chair of Cricket Association of Nepal, Chatur Bahadur Chand.

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KATHMANDU: Nepal’s star spinner Sandeep Lamichhane is set to play in the World Cup. After receiving a visa from the United States, he has confirmed his participation in the World Cup in the West Indies. However, his journey has been intriguing.

The secret of Sandeep’s departure to Canada a week ago has only been disclosed today by the Chair of Cricket Association of Nepal, Chatur Bahadur Chand.

Sandeep’s intention to go to the West Indies to play in the World Cup was kept extremely confidential by CAN.

There are several reasons behind this.

On June 7, while still in Canada, Sandeep posted a photo of himself visiting a temple on Facebook. Speculations arose that Sandeep, not being selected for the World Cup, might be seeking solace in religious sites. However, at that time, Sandeep was already practicing in Canada.

CAN Chair Chand revealed in an interview a week ago that Sandeep had departed from Nepal. This revelation came after Sandeep had already reached the West Indies officially just yesterday.

However, nobody had any idea that he had left Nepal a week ago.

There is only one regular flight from Toronto to St. Vincent in the West Indies, which happens once a week. CAN couldn’t arrange a charter flight, so they kept him hidden until a week ago.

Sandeep was placed in a cricket academy in Canada where he practiced regularly. According to Chand, Nepal’s former coach Pubudu Dassanayake assisted Sandeep during his time there.

Sandeep had entrusted the responsibility to bring him to the West Indies to CAN Secretary Paras Khadka and Manager Vinod Das.