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Hearing of the writ against Rabi Lamichhane in the bench of Sharma & Shrestha

The hearing is set for Monday (today) in the Supreme Court before a bench of Justices Manoj Kumar Sharma and Til Prasad Shrestha.

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KATHMANDU: A hearing has been scheduled for the writ petition filed against Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane and Attorney General Dinmani Pokharel.

The hearing is set for Monday (today) in the Supreme Court before a bench of Justices Manoj Kumar Sharma and Til Prasad Shrestha.

On Sunday, June 2, a single bench of Justice Til Prasad Shrestha of the Supreme Court issued a show cause order regarding the petition that demanded the removal of Home Minister Lamichhane from his position and called for a discussion.

The writ was filed by advocate Anupam Bhattarai, who in the initial hearing, requested an interim order summoning both individuals to be present.

Advocate Bhattarai’s writ argued that Minister Lamichhane should be removed from his position due to his involvement in a cooperative fraud case, asserting that his position as Home Minister would influence the investigation.

Furthermore, Advocate Bhattarai claimed that the letter from the Attorney General’s office stating that Home Minister Lamichhane was not involved in the cooperative fraud case was illegal, thus prompting the filing of the writ.