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Students set fire & vandalize govt vehicle in Biratnagar

The incident occurred on Sunday when students from the campus in Ward No. 12 of Biratnagar set fire to a vehicle bearing the number plate Ko 1 Jha 644.

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KATHMANDU: Students of Mahendra Morang Adarsh Multiple Campus have allegedly set fire to and vandalized a government vehicle in Biratnagar.

The incident occurred on Sunday when students from the campus in Ward No. 12 of Biratnagar set fire to a vehicle bearing the number plate Ko 1 Jha 644 belonging to the Koshi State Planning Commission, parked on the road in front of the campus gate.

Amid allegations of irregularities in teacher appointments by the Rangeli Municipality, a group of agitated students set fire to a Scorpio vehicle early this morning.

Despite efforts by the fire bigareds to control the fire, the vehicle sustained significant damage. The driver and the deputy chair of the commission, Dr. Rajendra Adhikari, were onboard when the students set the vehicle ablaze.

The police had arrested six students last Saturday on charges of attacking the police. Demanding their release, the agitated students set another Scorpio vehicle on fire in the same manner today.

Speaking of damage caused to other five vehicles, Morang Police spokesperson Deputy Inspector General Jnanendra Bahadur Basnet informed about the ongoing search for the group responsible for the arson.

Alleging that private schools were charging fees against the law and irregularities in teacher appointments, the students had submitted a memorandum to the Municipality Office on Jestha 13.

Mayor Dilip Kumar Agrawal and Deputy Mayor Bhuma Parajuli are currently out of the municipality.

Eight Ward Chairpersons, including Ward No. 8, who were entrusted with the responsibility, expressed additional outrage after their conversation with the Executive Officer yielded no results.

They were accused of exerting pressure on the municipal police.

The apprehended students, demanding unconditional release, had also staged a protest, blocking the road at Road End Chowk in Biratnagar for some time.

The students planning to be apprehended without conditions informed about their intention to continue their protest if not released.

They issued a warning while emphasizing their demand for unconditional release.

Prior to setting fire to the campus entrance, the students had attempted to vandalize and set fire to a vehicle belonging to the Nepal Electricity Authority in front of the party palace of Kanchanjanga in Ward No. 12 of Biratnagar.

The three vehicles with registration numbers ‘Ba 1 1887’, ‘Ba 1 Kh a8180’, and ‘Bagmati State 1 001 2701′ belonging to the authority were damaged by the students’ rampage.

The apprehended students include Deepak Yadav, 23, of Rangeli-6; Rahul Yadav, 20; Rukum Yadav; Raman Kumar Ray, 18, of Rangeli-7; Vishwak Jha, 19, of Rangeli-8; and Milan Mishra of Rangeli-2.