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Home Minister made arrest Sirohiya for reporting on cooperative fraud: Bhim Rawal

Dr. Rawal expressed his views on social media, stating that Sirohiya's arrest was an act of retaliation and intimidation.

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KATHMNADU: CPN (UML) leader Dr. Bhim Rawal has claimed that Kantipur Media Group’s Chair, Kailash Sirohiya, was arrested for reporting on a cooperative fraud case.

Dr. Rawal expressed his views on social media, stating that Sirohiya’s arrest was an act of retaliation and intimidation.

According to him, this action was taken after news was published revealing the involvement of certain individuals, including the Home Minister and some members of the Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP), in embezzling millions from the cooperative sector.

He criticized the authorities for not taking any action against Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane despite him allegedly holding dual citizenship and passports, which is against Nepalese law. Instead, they arrested Sirohiya for discrepancies in his dual citizenship details, which Dr. Rawal deemed inappropriate.

Dr. Rawal also condemned the manner of Sirohiya’s arrest, highlighting that he was taken from his office and transported to Dhanusha overnight.

He questioned whether there are different laws for ministers and other individuals, implying a double standard in legal enforcement.