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Microbus collides with tipper, 13 seriously injured

Two of the 13 people injured in the accident are in serious condition.

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KATHMANDU: Thirteen people were injured when a microbus and a tipper collided in Chitwan.

According to the area police office Muglin, a microbus number Ba 3 Kha 6610 coming from Muglin towards Kathmandu and a tipper number Ba 4 Kha 6417 coming from the opposite direction collided at Ichchakamana-4 Kurintar in Chitwan under the Prithviraj Highway.

Two of the 13 people injured in the accident are in serious condition.

According to the police, 12 of the injured were sent to New Medical College Bharatpur and one to Kathmandu for treatment.

The accident happened when the microbus collided with a tipper while overtaking.

The highway, which was blocked for a while after the accident, has been opened.