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Missing Mongolian climber’s body found in Everest, search for another ongoing

The search for the other climber, Prevsuren Lkhagvajav, aged 31, is ongoing.

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KATHMANDU: This morning, rescue teams made a somber discovery near the south summit of Mount Everest.

They recovered the body of Mongolian climber Usukhjargal Tsedendamba, found at an altitude of approximately 8,550 meters.

According to Lakpa Sherpa, Expedition Director at 8K Expeditions, it appears Tsedendamba fell from the rope and became lodged a few meters below the South Summit. Rescuers carefully secured his body in that location, with further plans awaiting coordination with the climber’s family at the close of the climbing season.

Usukhjargal Tsedendamba and Prevsuren Lkhagvajav had gone missing above South Col during their ascent for the summit on May 12.

Nepali climbers promptly launched a search effort to locate them, as shared by Sherpa.

Pechhumbe Sherpa, MingNurbu Sherpa, Arjun Karki, and Lanka Ram Tamang were among those engaged in the rescue operation, Sherpa disclosed.

As for the fate of Prevsuren, it remains uncertain. The search for the missing climber will persist, especially with the next summit opportunity opening after May 19.