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Haunting Canada boarding school shot wins World Press Photo [Photos]

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KATHMANDU: APRIL. 8 – A poignant image of red dresses hung on crosses along a roadside, with a rainbow in the background, commemorating children who died at a residential school created to assimilate Indigenous children in Canada won the prestigious World Press Photo award Thursday.

The image was one of a series of the Kamloops Residential School shot by Canadian photographer Amber Bracken for The New York Times.

“It is a kind of image that sears itself into your memory. It inspires a kind of sensory reaction,” Global jury chair Rena Effendi said in a statement.

“I could almost hear the quietness in this photograph, a quiet moment of global reckoning for the history of colonization, not only in Canada but around the world.”

It was not the first recognition for Bracken’s work in the Amsterdam-based competition. She won first prize in the contest’s Contemporary Issues category in 2017 for images of protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.

Her latest win came less than a week after Pope Francis made a historic apology to Indigenous peoples for the “deplorable” abuses they suffered in Canada’s Catholic-run residential schools and asked for forgiveness.

Last May, the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Nation announced the discovery of 215 gravesites near Kamloops, British Columbia. It was Canada’s largest Indigenous residential school and the discovery of the graves was the first of numerous, similar grim sites across the country.

“So we started to have, I suppose, a personification of some of the children that went to these schools that didn’t come home,” Bracken said in comments released by contest organisers. “There are also these little crosses by the highway. And I knew right away that I wanted to photograph the line of these crosses with these little children’s clothes hanging on them to commemorate and honour those kids and to make them visible in a way that they hadn’t been for a long time.”

Indigenous peoples elsewhere in the world featured in two other of the annual competition’s top prizes. The winners were chosen out of 64,823 photographs and open format entries by 4,066 photographers from 130 countries.

“Together the global winners pay tribute to the past while inhabiting the present and looking towards the future,” Effendi said.

Australian photographer Matthew Abbott won the Photo Story of the Year prize for a series of images for National Geographic/Panos Pictures that document how the Nawarddeken people of West Arnhem Land in northern Australia fight fire with fire by deliberately burning off undergrowth to remove fuel that could spark far larger wildfires.

The Long-Term Project award went to Lalo de Almeida of Brazil for a series of photos for Folha de São Paulo/Panos Pictures called, Amazonian Dystopia, which charts the effects of the exploitation of the Amazon region, particularly on Indigenous communities forced to deal with environmental degradation.


Netherlands World Press Photo
The World Press Photo Long-Term Project award charted the effects of the exploitation of the Amazon region particularly on Indigenous communities. This photo shows Munduruku readying to board a plane at Altamira Airport, in Para, Brazil, on June 14, 2013, to voice opposition to the Belo Monte dam. [Lalo de Almeida for Folha de Sao Paulo/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
World Press Photo Long-Term Project award: A boy rests on a dead tree trunk in the Xingu River in Paratizao, a community located near the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, Para, Brazil, on August 28, 2018. He is surrounded by patches of dead trees, formed after the flooding of the reservoir. [Lalo de Almeida for Folha de Sao Paulo/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
The World Press Photo Story Of The Year award: Nawarddeken elder Conrad Maralngurra, who burns grass to protect the Mamadawerre community from late-season ‘wildfires’, in Mamadawerre, Arnhem Land, Australia, May 3, 2021. [Matthew Abbott for National Geographic/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
World Press Photo Long-Term Project award winner shows an aerial view of the construction of the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River, Altamira, Para, Brazil, September 3, 2013. More than 80 percent of the river’s water was diverted from its natural course to build the hydroelectric project, adversely affecting both the environment and the livelihoods of traditional communities living downstream of the dam. [Lalo de Almeida for Folha de Sao Paulo/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
World Press Photo Long-Term Project award: A billboard with a message of support to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stands alongside the Trans-Amazonian Highway, Altamira, Para, Brazil, July 20, 2020. It was financed by local farmers. Agribusiness is one of the president’s main pillars of political support. [Lalo de Almeida for Folha de Sao Paulo/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
The World Press Photo Open Format award winner questions the disappearance of seeds, forced migration, colonisation, and the subsequent loss of ancestral knowledge. This image is part of a video composed of digital and film photographs titled, Blood is a Seed (La Sangre Es Una Semilla). [Isadora Romero/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
The World Press Photo Story Of The Year is titled, Saving Forests with Fire. In this image, 11-year-old Stacey Lee, left, sets the bark of trees alight to produce a natural light source to help hunt for file snakes. [Matthew Abbott for National Geographic/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
World Press Photo Story Of The Year: A black kite flies above a cool-burn fire lit by hunters earlier in the day, in Mamadawerre, Arnhem Land, Australia, May 2, 2021. The raptor, also known as a firehawk, is native to northern and eastern Australia, and hunts near active fires, snatching up large insects, small mammals, and reptiles as they flee the flames. [Matthew Abbott for National Geographic/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
Netherlands World Press Photo
The World Press Photo Long-Term Project award: Women and children from the Piraha community, standing next to their camp on the banks of the Maici River, watch drivers passing by on the Trans-Amazonian highway, hoping to be given snacks or soft drinks, Humaita, Amazon, Brazil, September 21, 2016. [Lalo de Almeida for Folha de Sao Paulo/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
World Press Photo Story Of The Year: A group of Nawarddeken women elders hunt for turtles with homemade tools on floodplains near Gunbalanya, Arnhem Land, Australia, October 31, 2021. They spent all day finding just two turtles, which are a popular delicacy. Soon the grass will be burned to make the hunt easier. [Matthew Abbott for National Geographic/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
This image is part of a series titled, Amazonian Dystopia, which won the World Press Photo Long-Term Project award. Stray dogs stare at meat hanging in a butcher’s shop in Vila da Ressaca, an area previously mined for gold but now almost completely abandoned, in Altamira, Para, Brazil, on September 2, 2013. [Lalo de Almeida for Folha de Sao Paulo/Panos Pictures/World Press Photo via AP]
This image won the World Press Photo Of The Year award. Titled, Kamloops Residential School, shows red dresses hung on crosses along a roadside commemorate children who died at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, an institution created to assimilate Indigenous children, following the detection of as many as 215 unmarked graves, Kamloops, British Columbia, June 19, 2021 [Amber Bracken for The New York Times/World Press Photo via AP]

Source:- Aljazeera