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Less traffic seen on first day of odd-even system [Photos]

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KATHMANDU: JAN. 22 – Vehicle pressure has been witnessed in the Kathmandu Valley since the odd-even system was implemented in the vehicles.

To control COVID-19 infection, the local administration has implemented the odd-even system in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur as of today.

At the same time, since this morning, there has been less traffic on the valley’s roads.

Today, due to the even day, the number of vehicles with even number plates is more but some vehicles with odd numbers plates are also running.

Strict checking has also been done on the odd-even system applied during the first and second waves of COVID-19. Although police have been mobilized to check the situation, most of the vehicles are running smoothly.

The system is not enforced on vehicles used in emergency services and designated vehicles. It has been decided to make vaccination cards mandatory for entry into public places and public bodies since Friday.