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Narayangarh-Butwal road timeline extension process underway

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NAWALPUR: DEC. 30 – The contactor of the Narayangarh-Butwal road section has demanded an extension of the deadline reasoning several impediments had emerged in course of the expansion of the road section along the East-West Highway.

The road expansion drive got affected in the initial days after the enforcement of lockdown with the spread of coronavirus, the China Estate Engineering, the contractor side, said, asking for the expansion of the timeline.

The Narayangarh-Butwal Road Project (eastern section) confirmed the contractor’s demand for a project time extension.

Project Chief Ramesh Kumar Dishti shared that the contractor side has furnished necessary documents to the designated consultant calling for the project deadline.

“The consultant looks after all the works related to road expansion”, he said, adding, “We merely do monitoring and issue directive when necessary”.

The consultant would recommend the Narayangarh-Butwal road project only if reasons behind the demand for timeline expansion are found satisfactory, Dishti added.

“The road expansion works are under evaluation. The necessary process would advance after ascertaining requirement of time against progress”, he further explained.

Though the contractor side has demanded an extension of the project period by two years, it would not be possible just on the basis of demand, he noted.