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Urgent investment in South Asia’s children vital to prevent devastating impacts of COVID-19 being felt for decades – UNICEF

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KATHMANDU: DEC. 10 – According to a new UNICEF report released on the agency’s 75th anniversary, governments across South Asia must urgently increase investments in basic health, education, and protection services for the millions of children and their families whose lives have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters.

The report, “Reigniting Opportunities for Children in South Asia,” highlights the disproportionate impact that the pandemic has had on the most marginalized of the region’s 600 million children. The report says that unless rollbacks in critical health, immunization, nutrition, protection and education services are reversed, the worst consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will persist for decades. The report notes that humanitarian disasters and climate-related hazards such as droughts, floods and air pollution have furthered exacerbated the situation for children.

Prior to the pandemic, South Asia was one of the world’s fastest-growing regions, with a large young population ready to accelerate growth and tremendous advances for children. Child mortality rates have more than halved in the last quarter-century, while the number of stunted children has decreased by more than a third since 2000. Secondary school enrollment has consistently increased, while the number of girls marrying before the age of 18 has decreased. More than 90% of the population has access to clean drinking water.

“The remarkable achievements our region has made in strengthening child rights over the last few decades are now risk,” said UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia George Laryea-Adjei. “If we do nothing, the worst effects of the COVID-19 epidemic will be felt for decades.” However, by taking action now, we can reignite chances and guarantee that every kid in South Asia not only survives but thrives.”

The report identifies immediate priorities, such as fully restoring basic health and immunization services and helping students catch up on the learning they have missed. But it also outlines the lessons learned and the opportunities that have been opened up by the pandemic which can now be leveraged into gains for all children.

They include public health systems that have been strengthened through infrastructure introduced to better respond to COVID-19 – such as improved cold chain and oxygen infrastructure. Other opportunities include increased public conversations around mental health which are helping to spotlight needs and drive demand for more services, and increased recognition of the region’s deep digital divide and opportunities to bridge it.

While urgent investments are needed to reverse gains for children, the region must also be prepared for future pandemic waves, according to UNICEF.

“Only 30% of South Asia is fully vaccinated, leaving families potentially susceptible when new variations arise,” warned George Laryea-Adjei. “Governments all throughout the globe must provide equal and fair access to COVID-19 vaccinations.” The epidemic will not be over until it has been over for everyone.”

The pandemic’s disproportionate impact on children was emphasized in a youth declaration titled “Our Future, Our Rights, Our Voices,” which was the result of intensive virtual discussions involving almost 500 young people from the eight South Asian countries.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has made our situation much worse. Our schools have been closed, often for months at a time. Many of us may never return to school,” said the statement, which was shared with UNICEF, the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and senior government officials. “With your action, we can transform the lives of young people in South Asia.”

The report outlines the key actions needed to reverse the rollbacks in progress for children, and begin building a better future for every child in South Asia, among them:

1. Expanding investment in child-sensitive social protection programs, especially for the most vulnerable children and their families.

2. Resuming in-person learning in schools while addressing learning losses, bridging the region’s digital divide and improving the quality of education for every child.

3. Stronger integrated national health and nutrition systems that protect children from deadly but treatable diseases and reverse the region’s child nutrition crisis.

4. Protecting children from neglect and abuse and the promotion of the mental health of all children and young people.

5. Urgent action to protect children from climate change through increased investment in climate adaptation and resilience in key services for children.

In 2020, disruptions linked to COVID-19 led to an estimated 228,000 additional child deaths, while an estimated 5.3 million children missed out on vital vaccinations, nearly 1.9 million more than the previous year. An additional 3.85 million children are thought to have suffered from wasting in 2020.

School closures lasted longer than in almost any other region. Over 400 million children and their teachers were forced to transition to remote learning in a region with low connectivity and device affordability, leading to alarming inequities in learning opportunities. Poorer children in remote areas, girls and students with disabilities were disproportionately affected.

“Today’s crises present a unique opportunity to build strong and adaptable health, education and protection systems that meet the needs of all children,” said George Laryea-Adjei. “UNICEF will continue to collaborate closely with South Asian governments, industry, civil society, and children themselves to ensure that no child is left behind.”